Introducing Liquidity
No, we aren’t selling a beer. But we are providing liquidity—and lots of it—on the Investors Exchange: the stock exchange that’s designed to level the playing field for investors.
Performance by
the numbers
For large resting orders on IEX in 2019*
Orders Sent
1.02 mm mm
Notional Value Traded
$$199.9 bn bn
Shared Traded
3.20 bnbn
In-Limit Percent of Volume
Block %
Slippage vs. Arrival Mid
1.18 bps / 0.74 cps† †
Slippage vs. In-Limit VWAP
0.71 bps / 0.45 cps† †
*Originated from IEX-classified Full-Service BD or Agency BD firms,
D-Peg or Midpoint Peg, Not IOC or FOK (i.e. resting orders), at least as
aggressive as the NBBO Mid on entry, Rested for 3+ mins or fully filled
beforehand, MinQty <=1000, Order size $200k+ or 10k+ shares
† Cents per share
Source: IEX Market Data; IEX classifications are on a best efforts basis by member firms’ trading sessions.
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