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Symbol Classification within IEX Top 50 Symbols Midday Report and TOPS Viewer

IEX Trading Alert #2016 - 027

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What you need to know:

*The top 50 symbols are selected from the top quartile of symbols by consolidated market volume (i.e., volume reported for a security by all exchanges and trade reporting facilities to a consolidated transaction reporting plan), then ranked by market share on IEX.

What is changing?

MSCI GICS is a four-tiered, hierarchical industry classification system for equity securities. IEX currently uses the "Sector" tier of GICS to organize symbols presented in the IEX Top 50 Symbols Midday Report and TOPS Viewer, which are publicly available resources intended for informational purposes only. Effective on Tuesday, July 5, IEX will begin to use the "Industry Groups" classification tier of GICS instead of the "Sector" classification tier.

Symbol Organization Today Symbol Organization beginning on Tuesday, July 5

10 Sectors:

  • Energy
  • Materials
  • Industrials
  • Consumer Discretionary
  • Consumer Staples
  • Health Care
  • Financials
  • Information Technology
  • Telecommunication Services
  • Utilities

24 Industry Groups:

  • Energy
  • Materials
  • Capital Goods
  • Commercial & Professional Services
  • Transportation
  • Automobiles & Components
  • Consumer Durables & Apparel
  • Consumer Services
  • Media
  • Retailing
  • Food & Staples Retailing
  • Food, Beverage & Tobacco
  • Household & Personal Products
  • Health Care Equipment & Services
  • Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences
  • Banks
  • Diversified Financials
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Software & Services
  • Technology Hardware & Equipment
  • Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment
  • Telecommunication Services
  • Utilities

Beginning on Tuesday, July 5, the TOPS Viewer on the IEX website will also offer a new view to list the top 50 symbols by IEX's market share within the top quartile of symbols by consolidated market volume. Lastly, the daily IEX Top 50 Symbols Midday Report will now list the the top 50 symbols by market share, reflecting the change made to the TOPS Viewer.

What do I need to do?

No action is required. If you are not currently receiving the IEX Top 50 Symbols Midday Report and would like to, please contact Market Operations at 646.343.2300 or

Where can I learn more?

  • Access TOPS Viewer on the IEX website.
  • Become a Member of the Investors Exchange.
  • Contact IEX Sales at 646.343.2100 or
  • Contact IEX Market Operations at 646.343.2300 or
  • IEX Frequently Asked Questions.
  • About IEX

    Dedicated to institutionalizing fairness in the markets, IEX provides a more balanced marketplace via simplified market structure design and cutting-edge technology. IEX operates a fair-access platform accessible by any qualified broker dealer. IEX is driven by a team of cross-industry experts with backgrounds spanning market venues, electronic trading, and broker-dealers. IEX is the first equity trading venue seeded exclusively by a consortium of buy-side investors, including mutual funds, hedge funds, and family offices. Learn more at: